- Univeristy of British Columbia
The Difference
- Knowledge Application (versus knowledge acquisition) - what you need to know VERSUS what you need to know how to do
- Life long Learning and Critical Thinking - what is the right answer VERSUS how did you get that answer
- Preparation - pre-reading or pre-material
- Equivalent to 30-50 pages
- Cannot let them off the hook
- Readiness Assurance Test
iRAT - assess individual content mastery - oal is 80-85% accuracy
tRAT - identify individual misunderstandings of content - goal is 100% accuracy - get feedback
Appeals - identify bad questions - identify bad content - revisit the material - must rewrite question
Mini-Lecture / Instructor Feedback - clarify misunderstandings - get more feedback
Significant problem + Same problem + Specific choice + Simultaneous reporting
In-class Application Activity
Importance of Teams
- Diversity in experience, skills, demographics
- Avoid barriers (pre-formed relationships)
- Need time to develop
Higher-Level Learning
- Why do you think that?
- How did you get that answer?
- Readiness Assessment
- Peer Evaluation
Sarah Nilsson, J.D., Ph.D., MAS
602 561 8665
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